Clarence United Methodist Church
It is hard to believe Easter
will be here soon after this
long, cold winter. I'm sure
we are all ready to see the
flowers in bloom and may
even be anxious to mow
lawn again. Spring is such a
great time of year to celebrate Jesus' resurrection.
What seemed at that time
to be such a tragedy, and
time of sadness and hopelessness, resulted in the
empty tomb and clean
slates for all sinners. Because of God's Easter gift,
we have hope each day and
a fresh start whenever we
accept His gift. Easter is
truly a time to celebrate!
At the Clarence United
Methodist Church we will
recognize the remaining
Lenten season and Easter
with a Maundy Thursday
service April 17th . There
will be a light supper at 6
pm, prior to the service.
This service will be held in
our fellowship hall. Then
on Easter morning we will
begin with a Sunrise Service
at 7 AM. A brunch will be
served after that service.
And then at 10 AM our
regular Easter service will
take place. Please feel free
to join us for any, or all, of
these worship services.
Service Recognition
You may notice some new benches in front of the Clarence Telephone Company later this spring. They
were purchased with plaques placed on them to recognize two retirees from the Clarence Telephone
Company. Kenneth Mostaert, President of the Clarence Telephone Company presented the benches at the
annual shareholders’ meeting on March 1st. Dorothy Claney ( pictured left)worked for the telephone
company for forty-nine years. The late Ray McDaniel work for the telephone company for thirty-seven
years. Ray’s wife Beulah is pictured on the right.