CKV Artfolio Rolf van der Hulst 1 | Page 15

aggressive over time and eventually messes up his entire life. The search for identity is in here too. You can see that he tries to become something he isn’t, he is searching for his own identity. My opinion I think the play was very funny to watch and extremely well played by the actors. The experience to have the actors really close to you makes it very in-your-face and it is much easier to get ‘swallowed’ in the play. I didn’t really understand the storyline, and I was constantly searching for an answer to what sense it made. I did really enjoy it, because of the humor and the actors being so close, which made it very easy to empathize with the characters. The concept of a play was not new to me, but it being so close gave another dimension to it. I didn’t really expect a lot. I had to do it and really didn’t look at it as something that would really influence my opinion or me. I was entertained well, but I think I don’t understand the message they were trying to convey. I would definitely go to another trailer show, as I really enjoyed being up so close to the actors. But my view on theater in general hasn’t changed, and it was not an eye-opening experience.