Civil War Magazine Volume 1 | Page 9

A Brutal Fight in Gettysburg

This gruelling conflict occured between July 1 and July 3, 1863 in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Our army was put under the leadership of General Robert E. Lee. The Yankees were led by Major General George Meade. The fighting originally started when General Lee tried to secure a railroad shipment of shoes for his soldiers. When the Confederate forces approached the railroad, they were met by the Union. Fighting immediately broke out. The Union took a position on a hill and began to fire downwards upon the Confederate troops. As our men started running low on ammunition, they were forced to to rely on their bayonetts for combat. On the third day of combat, the Confederate forces attempted to split the Union soldiers through Pickett's charge. This attempt failed

miserably. Lee was forced

to retreat after losing a third of

his forces. This defeat has

made some people question

Lee's capability to lead.

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