City Scene Birmingham Magazine | Page 28

DYNAMO PAGE 3:- 19/10/2015 16:35 Page 1 really work on, especially for this tour, but the blagging skills in a way, I wouldn't be in this position without them. It took me ten years of blagging to get my TV show 'Magician Impossible' and it was almost a risk, no one had really heard of 'Watch' channel that signed me up, but none of the other major channels would take me back then, so I took that risk and they believed in me. I'm not going to lie, I did blag a lot of this interviews and meetings with them, but they totally got behind me and it paid off for everyone and I was able to bring my vision to life. Everything from all the celebrity guests you have see on my shows and events, a lot of that is me blagging my way to their shows, finding out who their security is, amazing the security with tricks, then getting taken to the manager, then taken to their dancing girls who are working on their shows, amazing them, spending as much time as I possibly could with them haha, before then eventually getting taken to the main act and then blowing their mind with magic and saying 'oh by the way I've got a TV show Im making and I'd love to have you on it, and thankfully a lot of them came back and said yeah ok. One of the toughest blags ever but one of my favourites was when I met Coldplay. Many many years ago when they did the X&Y album, I blagged my way in to Coco in Camden where they were doing their press performance for the album, so I ended up doing magic to this old lady, and she said, 'you must come and show my son' so I was like oh ok, and she started shouting 'Christopher Christopher' and her son was Chris Martin. He was packing up his guitar and stuff, eager to get off to the after party, but she insisted he watched me, so I did a few tricks and that and he was mesmerised so then he called Gwyneth Paltrow and the rest of the band over, so I was a bit cheeky and asked if I could film it to put it on my website. Chris said if I ever made it big and got my own TV show they would love to come on it. So when I got my own TV show, series one can't make it, series two - can't make it, series three - can't make it, so I didn't bother asking on series four but they heard it was my last series and got in touch with me and they were on the show. So with blagging its about being able to get in a position to meet people and keep in touch and keep the relationship going and stuff, and believe that the magic has been memorable enough for them not to forget it and hopefully in 100 years from now, when people think of magic, Dynamo will still come to peoples mind. Does it ever go wrong and if it does what do you do? Well because of most of what I do is improvised, people don't actually know whats going to happen, so in my head if I think somethings not going quite to plan, I can twist it and turn it and make it into something that is still magical, it might just be a bit different to what I intended in to be but the crowd don't know that! Other than your grandpa, if you could name one person that has influenced you in your profession who would it be? There has actually been two people, an American and an British magician The legendary David Copperfield, I think he is one of the most greatest magicians to have ever lived, his legacy is phenomenal, and David Berglas a British magician, not that many people have heard of him, he was long before Paul Daniels, years ago he was the man! A very gracious man and has even given me permission to create his talents today and on my show, so I have a lot to thank him for too. So after spending some time chatting with Dynamo, I was amazed to discover he really is a genuine, down to earth guy with massive talent and a desire to impress the audience. Later that evening I watched the show at the Manchester Apollo. Totally unsure what to expect, and not wanting to give too much away to those wanting to see it for themselves, I have to say I was amazed, stunned, fascinated and mesmerised. He brought the stage to life involving many of the audience, it just kept getting better and better. There was a story to the show too that was so inspirational it sent shivers down your spine. You can see Dynamo this December at the Barclaycard Arena in Birmingham, from the 9th - 13th. I would highly recommend you go, even if you don't believe in magic, you will after seeing this show!