City Scene Birmingham Magazine | Page 26

DYNAMO PAGE 1 AND 2:- 19/10/2015 16:35 Page 1 SARAH meetS dynAmo... Dynamo Magician and Inspiration! I recently had the pleasure of meeting the Bradford man of magic 'Dynamo'. Travelling up to Manchester we met in the stunning Gotham Hotel which really set the mood off with style. Upon meeting him I was surprised to see how small he is in person but also what a down to earth, friendly person, instantly likeable! I was intrigued to know mow, so over a cocktail we got chatting... So Dynamo, how did you know you wanted to become a magician and how did you get into it? For me, when I was at school I had a bit of a hard time, I was a small guy, and as you can see I'm not the biggest now, I was an easy target to be picked on. My grandad was always performing magic tricks and stuff at the local bars, and the one day he saw me getting pushed into a wheelie bin and rolled down a hill by bullies at school, they would take me to the top and just push me down. They did it for two weeks straight so I had cuts and bruises all the time. So the one night my grandpa saw it when he picked me up from school and that night he taught me this technique of how to stop them lifting me up and stick to the ground so they couldn't move me. I couldn't believe it when I tried it the next day at school and they couldn't move me. So that was the first time I ever did magic, and it wasn't to do magic to perform it was to protect myself and stop getting thrown in a wheelie bin. So after that they spread rumours around the school that I was a demon child, and had super powers, but they did't want to be beaten by little me. So my grandpa taught me other tricks, and said if they ever threaten to break your bones show them this... (at this point Dynamo bent his little finger into a circle, like something I had never seen, fascinating and weird at the same time) so I'd show them this and say, 'do you worse guys, I can handle pain'. So magic for me was more like a defence mechanism , It wasn't really till my first day at college that everyone was introducing themselves and thats when I said 'Im Steven and I like magic'. Everyone was like 'wow thats exciting' the college was quite far from my house too so it kinda gave me a fresh start, so from that day on I was the magic guy at school. So moving on from there I dropped out of college and my grandparents had lots of Golden Retrievers and we would travel around all over the world doing the Pedigree Chum adverts, it was crazy in the day we would travel in this big winnebago all over America and places, and then in the evening I would perform magic at the 'Dog Show After Parties' yes they do exist, and my grandma would give me pocket money. So travelling around all these places we went to New O