City Manger's Annual Report 2023 | Page 28

Driving Project Management with Data

Facilities Maintenance


Work orders completed by the Facilities team in 2022 / 23 . That ’ s a 27 % increase from the period three years prior .

96 %

The percentage of scheduled preventive maintenance tasks completed , a 6 % increase from three years prior .
Keeping the City of Port St . Lucie ’ s facilities running smoothly is an ongoing effort that balances everything from project management to preventive maintenance to quickly handling immediate fixes .
To ensure all of those projects across the City are managed as effectively and efficiently as possible , the Facilities Department uses key performance measures to determine how they ’ re doing . The measures are based on the number of projects managed , work orders completed and the efficiency of completing preventive maintenance on equipment .
A software program was developed for tracking projects and department members were trained to use it for work orders and construction projects . The tool provides key information to effectively communicate and manage work .
It ’ s paying dividends . Across the Facilities Department there are improved efficiencies , even as the number of work requests increases – demonstrating the value data provides in getting the job done .
By tracking the maintenance and project requests , the Facilities team can see not just how many they ’ re receiving but also how fast they ’ re being completed . It also allows them to look for ways to increase efficiency .
28 | 2023 City Manager ’ s Annual Report