City Guide 2014 | Page 15

URBAN LIVING PROS: •  his is where the action is. Arts, culture, T restaurants, event venues, & more! If you are very social or just love having it all right outside your doorstep, then you are most likely an urban-living lover! • Calgarians love recreation, and  suburban communities often feature parks, playgrounds, small lakes, and more to attract residents! SUBURBAN LIVING CONS: •  horter commutes and more time at S home if you and/or your spouse work in the inner-city! • Longer commutes and higher  costs associated. •  hese areas were mostly developed by T the early 1960’s so there is more unique architecture, mature trees, developed parks, and diverse homes… You won’t find much ‘cookie-cutter’ here! • Further from the ‘action’ with family  outings taking more time and effort. • nner city real estate tends to appreciate I better than suburban areas. Avenue Calgary: Calgary’s Best Neighbourhoods 2013 notes 4 out of the 5 top neighbourhoods for resale value are in Calgary’s inner-city, with the 5th located just NW of the inner-city. URBAN LIVING CONS: •  ore noise and traffic. M •  igher crime rates and pollution. H •  lder houses, many smaller than in O the suburbs with smaller yards. •  igher house prices. H SUBURBAN LIVING PROS: • f you prefer a calmer community with I peace and quiet, then suburban living is most likely for you! The inner-city is available for the occasional outing, but generally you enjoy freedom from the ‘hustle and bustle’. •  ou’ll find more families and children Y out playing in the yards and parks of suburban areas, which offers more opportunity for you and your children to develop friendships within your community! • Fewer public transportation options.  SUBURBAN SIDE-NOTE: • Calgary is surrounded by communities  only 5-20 minutes from our limits such as Chestermere, Okotoks, Cochrane, and Airdrie. If your family is REALLY looking for the small town feel, all of these towns and more are self-sufficient yet within commuting distance for work or family excursions into Calgary! With family-friendly neighbourhoods in both urban and suburban areas, there’s no ‘wrong’ decision for your family. While many families live in the suburbs for the obvious and noted benefits, if inner-city living is your style (and within your budget!) then you and your family may call urban Calgary home! *The inner city includes Downtown Calgary and the adjoining communities, and overlays roughly the city limits before 1961. It is delimited by Sarcee Trail to the west; Glenmore Reservoir and Glenmore Trail to the south; Bow River and Deerfoot Trail to the east; and Bow River and 32 Avenue to the north. Corinne Watson and Diandra Oliver, of CIR Realty’s Corinne Watson & Associates, are a dynamic team of REALTORS® with over 19 years of combined experience in the Calgary area! •  ouse prices are lower, while houses H and yards tend to be larger. Generally, the further you come away from the city centre the less expensive the houses are and naturally, because of phases of development, the most outwardly neighbourhoods are also the newest! | CALGARY | A RESOURCE GUIDE | 2014 • 15