City Cottage July 1 | Page 54

Gold Winner Winner wins wins Gold Gold at at Chelsea Chelsea
Only £ 6.30
Only £ 15.95
RHS Chelsea RHS Chelsea


Gold Winner Winner wins wins Gold Gold at at Chelsea Chelsea

Grow your own and floral seed specialist Kings Seeds are thrilled to have won a Gold Grow Medal your own for their and floral debut seed appearance specialist at Kings the UK Seeds ’ s most are prestigious thrilled to flower have won show a , Gold RHS Chelsea Medal for this their year debut . Their appearance stand , designed at the UK by ’ BBC s most Gardener prestigious of the flower Decade show ,
RHS Katherine Chelsea Crouch this , year looks . Their at 125 stand years , designed of seed retailing by BBC Gardener , both with of the Decade home gardener Katherine and Crouch commercially , looks at , 125 and years showcases of seed how retailing , both with the home
gardener key events and have commercially impacted upon , and what showcases , why and how
key how events we grow have to impacted eat . Their upon model what , Lucy , why Ellis and , also caused how we sensation grow to eat on . Mondays Their model Press , Lucy Day , Ellis wearing , also
caused a dress sensation and hat made on Mondays of seeds Press and beans Day ,.
wearing a dress and hat made of seeds and beans .

Request a copy of our FREE Autumn catalogue today Request a copy of our FREE Autumn catalogue today

Exclusive offers

from Kings Seeds


£ 6.60

when purchased together
Offer valid until 31 July 2013 . Potatoes will be delivered mid-end July 2013 - UK mainland only . Full planting instructions included .

Delicious ‘ Christmas ’ potatoes to impress the entire family

Impressive ‘ second early ’ variety to help kick start the festivities !
Potatoes for Christmas
Late cropping seed potatoes ( sometimes known as “ Christmas ” potatoes ). Impress the family over the Christmas period with your freshly dug salad potatoes which can be served hot or cold to go with the traditional cold turkey . Carlingford - Second early , uniform potatoes . White short oval tubers , extensively used for second cropping Christmas potatoes . Very firm boiling / salad type which can be used hot or cold . High Scab resistance .
Order Form
Only £ 6.30
plus P & P
To order , please send this form ( photocopies accepted )
to GYO Offers , Kings Seeds , Monks Farm , Kelvedon ,
Colchester , Essex CO5 9PG .
Sub total
235065 | Potatoes for Christmas
£ 6.30
235064 | Potato Planter Set
£ 15.95
£ 3.50
Potato growing made easy
If space is limited then look no further than our exclusive Potato Planter offer . The set consists of :
• 3 x Planters - Perfect for small and urban gardens , patios and balconies , they enable anybody to grow your own . All our planters have brass drainage holes around the sides and base - essential for satisfactory results !
• 2 x Potato Storage Sacks - Store your potatoes well with these strong hessian sacks that allow your potatoes to breathe and aids the exclusion of light . Each sack will hold approx . 18kg ( 40lbs ) of potatoes .
• Plus 2kg of Carlingford Potatoes
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Supplying Growers Since 1888
Place your order today by calling
01376 570 000
I enclose my cheque for £
made payable to Kings Seeds
OR please debit my Visa / Mastercard / Maestro card for £
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Mandatory Information Name
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Only £ 15.95
( Normally £ 22.55 ) plus P & P