City Cottage July 1 | Page 53

cooking with nuts
Taking 4 of the lengths for the box sections , nail them together using brad nails . You can apply some glue to the joints to give extra strength if you like but it ’ s not strictly necessary . When joining the box sections make sure to overlap the ends . That way the boxes end up square .
Next you can start nailing the slats on . If you have boards that are of uniform width you will probably end up with an overhang . Lay the boards out on the top of the box before nailing them down and you ’ ll be able to even out the overhang and then cut the edge boards using a jigsaw . Now you can go ahead and nail the slats on .
You should now have 2 box sections with slatted tops . Now it ’ s on to the legs .
Taking 2 of the leg sections at a time , nail one to the other by overlapping one edge . Repeat for the other 3 legs . Alternatively you can nail the legs on as separate pieces . It is entirely up to you .
Start by fitting one leg on to one of the boxes with brad nails and then repeat for the other 3 legs . Once you have the top box fitted you can then nail the second box on underneath this to give you a double shelf table .
Carefully pry off the top boards from main beams
Or cut the top boards at the join with the beams
To finish my table I took some dowel and cut some short lengths off . Then using a wood bit of the same diameter I drilled some shallow holes at all the joints and glued in the short sections of dowel . This does nothing for the structure of the joint , it is purely for decorative purposes .
Finally I gave the table a coat or two of wood stain . Strictly speaking , this is not completely needed as most pallet wood is treated so you could leave it but I think it looks better with a finish on it .
The table is now done and ready for use when ( and if !) the sun shines !
Nail the box sections together with brad nails .
Nail on the slats to the box section , one at each end

get in touch

Email us your photos of your own projects to : info @ citycottage . co . uk