Paul Peacock asks isn ’ t it about time we put our food first ?
“ Some sausages have nearly a gram of salt in each one , and extra sugar to disguise it , just to keep it fresh in the shop .”
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Paul Peacock asks isn ’ t it about time we put our food first ?
Here in the UK we have had all kinds of press wrangling , outcries and hysteria about horse meat being in our food .
It was infuriating to hear companies more or less saying , ‘ the products are safe , what are you moaning about ?’ But to be honest , isn ’ t that missing the point ? It ’ s not about the fact that it was horse meat , or that it was a simple case of fraud . The real point is how we have completely removed ourselves as a nation from the production of our own food .
Actually , it ’ s true all around the world !
I watched a news item consisting of a lady opening a lasagne from a supermarket that just looked like soup . The photograph on the box was fairly good , but the product itself was awful . The newsreader said , ‘ if you fancy a lasagne for your Sunday lunch ...’ and I thought : ‘ why would you ?’ The truth is , that it is only knowledge that stops people from making their own food . It can be made much quicker yourself , it will taste much better , be better for you and considerably cheaper to boot .
Moreover , whatever is in your food is controlled by you . For example , if you make bacon at home , you can have low salt bacon . You can have bacon without additives that are not natural - you can have E-Free-Food , that is , food with not a dangerous chemical anywhere .
But it goes beyond that : much of what is in our food is there for two reasons . To keep it safe on the shelf ( botulism kills very quickly ) and to make the product palatable . So , some sausages have nearly a gram of salt per sausage , and extra sugar to disguise it ! Some drinks contain so much sugar they are actually dangerous to drink !
So that ’ s what City Cottage is about . Making food healthy , cheap , home made , home grown . Isn ’ t it time we took control of our food , because in doing so we will take control of our whole lives !
“ Some sausages have nearly a gram of salt in each one , and extra sugar to disguise it , just to keep it fresh in the shop .”
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