Those were just a few of the fun entertainment events the GSC Alumnae took part in . However , the GSA Alumnae also participated in a range of service projects throughout the year . These activities included a weekly work-day at Riverpoint working on a different project each week , painting the yard fence at Pine Castle Scout House , the “ Flags In ” at Cape Canaveral Cemetery for Memorial Day , labeling 12,000 candy canes for troops to give out during Holiday Parades . Some members helped Citrus Council with completing Fall Product and Cookie paperwork , prepping PR cookie bags and baskets , and the occasional task at Council Center .
In 2020 , adventure awaits the GSC Alumnae with a range of travel destinations . In March a trip to Cherokee , North Carolina to work with the children on the Indian reservation . A trip to Europe is scheduled for June 2021 , but participants need to register now to secure their spot and attend planning meetings throughout 2020 . Plans are being finalized for a 3rd Alumnae Cruise and the dates will be posted on the GSC Alumnae website .
Our membership continues to grow with the GSC Alumnae . With the addition of 165 new members joining , the GSC Alumnae is 560 members strong and still growing . We invite you to be a member of the Alumnae . There is no cost to join and you will receive a monthly newsletter with the latest upcoming events , service projects and travel opportunities .
Once a Girl Scout , always a Girl Scout . To become a member , visit the GSC Alumnae website at http :// alumnaegsc . com / and sign up . Membership is free and is open to all Girl Scouts 18 years and older .
Receive the monthly newsletter , and join in the fun . We look forward to seeing you at a GSC Alumnae event , service project or even a travel adventure .