Citrus Family and Friends !
I am very excited about this edition of our Citrus Peel that shines a light on the four pillars of our Girl Scout program designed to support our mission to build girls of courage , confidence , and character who make the world a better place !
The four program pillars include STEM , the Outdoors , Life Skills , and Entrepreneurship . The feedback we are receiving from our girls on the new badges , and core programs within each pillar is telling us to keep up the momentum and build more and more opportunities for unique and exciting experiences in these four focus areas .
I have been blessed to get out into the field quite a bit over the past few months to meet girls and participate in programming first hand . I cannot tell you the inspiration and sheer pride that fills my heart seeing our girls , their families , and our volunteers in action bringing our mission to life .
Our mission , promise , and law are far more than words on a page or something we recite , they are meant to ignite our souls and offer us a clear vision and direction as stewards of our nation ’ s most precious natural resource , our children .
Our girls deserve nothing less than the best that each of us has to give , letting them lead while gently guiding them to a future in which they are able to realize their fullest potential as happy , kind , and productive women , who lead the way in their own way . Well , that ’ s what it ’ s all about , folks . Thank you for the passion and resources that you give to our girls . Our girls are already doing great things , I cannot wait to see what the future holds with them leading the way !