Sister cities: Hawai (US 1986), Bali (Indonesia, 1989), Sakhalin Island
(Russia, 1992), Hainan Island (China, 1995), Madeira Island (Portugal, 2007)
Total Sejong Special Self-Governing City budget was 710,071,211,000
won (US$657 million) in 2013 allocated as follows:
General Public Administration: 34,569,699,000 won (US$32
million) (4.87%)
Public Order and Security: 10,713,441,000 won (US$9.9 million) (1.51%)
Education: 20,008,278,000 won (US$18.6 million) (2.82%)
Culture and Tourism: 14,227,691,000 won (US$13.2 million) (2.00%)
Environmental Protection: 81,722,226,000 won (US$75.8
million) (11.51%)
Inter-Island Tourism of Policy Forum
Establishment: 1997
Members: eight islands from eight countries (Jeju Island, Okinawa,
Hainan, Bali, Canary Islands, Hawai, Zanzibar and Southern islands)
Total Jeju Special Self-Governing Province budget was
3,366,685,162,000 won (US$3.1 billion) in 2013 allocated as follows:
(US$117.6 million) (17.88%)
million) (5.19%)
(US$110.6 million) (16.80%)
Mr. Kim Wan-ju
Tel: +82-63-280-2000
UCLG: 2008
Governors’ Association of Korea
Mr. Woo Keun-min
Tel: +82-64-710-2001-4
600.848 (As of August 2013)
Pacific Asia Travel Association (1985)
American Society of Travel Agents (1995)
The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments (1996)
Korea-U.S. Economic Council, Inc. (2002)
United Cities and Local Governments (2004)
Alliance for Healthy Cities (2005)
ICLEI (2005)
Asian Pacific City Summit (2008)
Korea-Arab Society (200 8)
Governors’ Association of Korea
environmental resources and maintain landscape conservation.
systematic planning through district planning decisions.
urban image creation and foundation of administrative support.
The Saemangeum Development Project is a national project to build
a global city as a frontrunner of green growth. It will use 283 km2 of
reclaimed land and a lake as large as 118 km2 by constructing the
world’s longest 33.9 km sea dyke connecting Gunsan and Buan on
the west coast of Korea. It is five times the size of Manhattan, New
York and four times the size of Paris. Saemangeum will emerge as
an economic hub of northeast Asia, a location of choice for business,
industry, and tourism.
New Jersey State (US), Washington D.C, Nagasaki (Japan), Ishikawa
(Japan), Jiangsu Province (China), Shandong Province (China),
Shanghai (China), Yunnan Province (China).
Mobility: 30,300,000,000 won (US$28.1 million)
Housing: 26,200,000,000 won (US$24.3 million)
Water and Sanitation: 30,800,000,000 won (US$28.6 million)
Green energy: 6,500,000,000 won (US$6 million)
Energy supply: 2,700,000,000 won (US$2.5 million)