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for detecting and removing back doors in the future. The most effective countermeasures that should be chosen are: • 33 “Safe languages” and “safe libraries” are so- called because: • 34 The instructions contained with an object are known as its: • 35 A user, Bill, has posted a link on a web site that causes unsuspecting users to transfer money to Bill if they click the link. The link will only work for users who happen to be authenticated to the bank that is the target of the link. This is known as: • 36 • 37 • 38 What is the most effective countermeasure against script injection attacks? All of the following are advantages of using self- signed SSL certificates The following are characteristics of a computer virus EXCEPT: • 39 An organization is about to start its first disaster recovery planning project. The project manager is responsible for choosing project team members. Which staff members should be chosen for this project? • 40 The activity that is concerned with the continuation of business operations is: