CIS 502 MENTOR Learn Do Live / CIS 502 MENTOR Learn Do Live / | Page 11

• • 24 The reason that two-factor authentication is preferable over ordinary authentication is: 25 Video surveillance is an example of what type(s) of control: • 26 A database administrator (DBA) is responsible for carrying out security policy, which includes controlling which users have access to which data. The DBA has been asked to make just certain fields in some database tables visible to some new users. What is the best course of action for the DBA to take? • 27 The most effective countermeasures against input attacks are: • 28 The primary advantage of the use of workstation- based anti-virus is: • 29 The purpose for putting a “canary” value in the stack is: • 30 An attack on a DNS server to implant forged “A” records is characteristic of a: • 31 A defense in depth strategy for anti-malware is recommended because: • 32 A security assessment discovered back doors in an application, and the security manager needs to develop a plan