CIS 336 STUDY It's Your Life/ CIS 336 STUDY It's Your Life/ | Page 66

single column in the format of ― city , ST ‖ with a heading of Location , order _ id and order date for orders that have not shipped .
5 . List the customer name , order date , zipcode for any customer ( s ) placing an order for the item titled ‗ Etcetera ‖.
6 . Write a query to list the title and artist of ONLY the items that have been ordered . Only list each title once .
7 . Write a query to list the title and price of all items that have been ordered by customer Millerton .
8 . Write a query to list the last name and order id of customers that ordered any items by the artist Burt Ruggles ?
9 . Write a query to display a list of titles along with the artist name ., sorted by artist name .
10 . Write a query to display an invoice for order 693 including the title , quanty , price , and a calculated column to display the line item subtotal ( quantity times price ) with a heading of Subtotal .
11 . Display the order id , last name , title , and quantity for any items where customers have ordered 2 or more of a particular item in an order .
12 . The employees table contains a list of employees of a company . An employee may be managed by another employee . To denote an employee ‘ s manager , the employee _ id of the manager is entered into the manager _ id field of the employee reporting to that manager . In order to produce a list of which managers supervise which employees , the table may be joined to itself using these two attributes ( employee _ id , manager _ id ). This is known as a SELF-JOIN . Use a SELF-JOIN on the employees table to produce a result containing two