CIS 336 STUDY It's Your Life/ CIS 336 STUDY It's Your Life/ | Page 65

Select unit _ price as Retail _ Price from items ; Select unit _ price as RetailPrice from items ;
** Any calculated fields MUST be given an alias ( and note above NO SPACES in alias ). For example :
select unit _ price * 2 from items ; – this does NOT work in EDUPE MySQL
This will work : select unit _ price * 2 as NewPrice from items ; Deliverables
• Lab Report ( Answer Sheet ) containing both the student-created SQL command ( s ) for each exercise , and the output showing the results obtained . Be sure your name is on the file .
LAB STEPS : Complete each of the exercises below :
1 . Use the JOIN ON syntax to write a query to display the order id , order date , customer name formatted as a single field ( i . e . ― Tom Jones ‖) with a heading of Customer , and customer _ city for customers residing in the state of OHIO . Sort the output to display the newest orders first .
2 . Use the JOIN USING syntax to display the order _ id , order date , and shipdate for orders to Karina Lacy that have shipped .
3 . Use the implicit join syntax ( the WHERE clause ) to display the last name , city , order date and ship date for all orders shipped in 2012 .
4 . Use any join syntax EXCEPT NATURAL JOIN to list the customer _ first _ name and customer _ last _ name concatenated with an intervening space as Customer , customer city and state formatted as a