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CIS336 Lab 2: The Expanded Entity Relationship Diagram LAB OVERVIEW Scenario and Summary
This lab introduces the next step in creating a data model, the Entity Relationship Diagram( ERD). You will be given a business scenario for a University Medical Center, which is a small community hospital. The business specifications will outline a number of things about the business, some of which will apply directly to the database you are being asked to model. There is a table that lists the entities( tables) that will be needed for the database and related attributes( columns) for each entity. There is also a column that lists specific information about the entity that will be helpful in determining its relationship to other entities within the model.
Be sure to include the minimum and maximum occurrences of each relationship( cardinality) and to supply a name to the relationship that will work in both directions. Make sure to use Crow‘ s Feet notation in your ERD.
Narrative / Case Study
The University Medical Center is a small, community hospital. A new hospital administrator has recently been hired by the Board of Directors, and directed to right-size patient care and pharmacy services and improve profitability. The hospital operates three clinical