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2. (TCO 3) Explain the term "second normal form". (Points : 15)
3. (TCO 7) Sally needs to find all employees who have a date-of-hire between 01-JAN-
2003 and 01-JAN-2005. She writes and executes the following query:
4. (TCO 8) In using group functions we cannot place a group function in a WHERE
clause. Explain how the WHERE clause and HAVING clause are similar and why you
can use the HAVING with a group function but not a WHERE clause. (Points : 15)
5. (TCO 6) Write the SQL statement that will remove the database table EMPLOYEE.
(Points : 15)
1. (TCO 7) Write a join query using NATURAL JOIN that for every order in the
ORDERS table will list the order number and order date along with the cusnumber, last
name, and first name of the customer who placed the order.
2. (TCO 8) Write a query that will list the part number, part description, and on-hand
value (units on hand * unit price) for each part in item class AP. Give the expression an
alias of "On Hand Value".
3. (TCO 8) Write a sub query that will list the part number, part description, and units on
hand of all parts where the number of units on hand is greater than the average of units on
hand for all parts.
4. (TCO 7) Using the BETWEEN operator, write a query that will list all details about all
orders that were placed during the period of September 3rd thru September 5th of 1998.
5. (TCO 7) Write a query that will list the part number and part description for all parts in
the PART table.
(Points : 15)
CIS 336 Final Exam 3
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