CIS 336 help Making Decisions/ CIS 336 help Making Decisions/ | Page 21

(Points : 4) INSERT INTO promotion (gift, minretail, maxretail) VALUES (FREE BOOK, 75.01, 89.99); INSERT INTO promotion (gift, minretail, maxretail) VALUES ('FREE BOOK', 75.01, 89.99); INSERT INTO promotion VALUES (FREE BOOK, 75.01, 89.99); INSERT INTO promotion (gift, minretail) VALUES (FREE BOOK, 75.01, 89.99); 8. (TCO 10) A ____ is a uniquely identifiable object that allows a given person to log on to the database. (Points : 4) user role profile manager 9. (TCO 10) Which command will delete a user account from Oracle9i? (Points : 4) DELETE USER username; DELETE USER username IDENTIFIED BY password; DROP USER username IDENTIFIED BY password; DROP USER username; Page 4 - Essays 1. (TCO 2) What is Character data? (Points : 15)