CIS 246 All Assignments CIS 246 All Assignments | Page 17

Open the Users container, and drag the user with your name to the Sales OU. A dialog box opens. It is stating that OUs have different group policies so the user may have different rights. Don’t worry about it. We will cover group policies later. Click Yes. Now we want to delegate some administrative privileges to the user in the container. Right- click on the Sales container, and click Delegate Control… A wizard opens. Click Next. Click Add. In the text box, you can just type your first name and click Check Names. Select your name and click OK. Click Next. The Tasks to Delegate dialog box opens. Check the first two items in the list to delegate, which are “Create, delete and manage user accounts” and “Reset user passwords and force password change at next logon.” Click Next. Scroll down to see all the information. Insert a screenshot into your lab report showing your name and the delegations (#11). Click Finish. Once delegated, you might wonder how a user can, for example, reset a password for another user in the OU. You probably don’t want to give the user log-on privileges on the server. Another alternative is to have the user download the “Remote Server Administration Tools Windows 7.” (That is beyond the scope of this course.) STEP 4: Complete Lab Report Back to Top Fill out the lab report for this week. Week 2 Lab Report Submit your lab to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions or watch this Dropbox Tutorial. CIS 246 Week 2 iLab 2 Organizing Resources