CIS 246 All Assignments CIS 246 All Assignments | Page 16
Insert a screenshot into your lab report showing both groups in the middle panel (#9).
TASK 3: Manage Organizational Units
STEP 1: Create an Organizational Unit
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In Server Manager, expand Active Directory until you see the domain name.
Right-click experimental.lab, select New, and click Organizational Unit.
For the name, type Sales. Notice that by default “Protect container from accidental deletion” is
checked. That is good. Click OK. The O is put in the left pane.
STEP 2: Create an OU and Delete It
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Create an OU based on your last name. Then try to delete it by right-clicking it and clicking
Delete. Then, when it asks, “Are you sure,” click Yes. You will get a message stating that you
have insufficient privileges.
Right-click on the OU based on your last name and click Properties. As you can see, there isn’t
On the menu, click View, then click Advanced Features.
Right-click the OU with your last name, click Properties, and then click Object. Uncheck “Protect
object from accidental deletion.”
Insert a screenshot into your lab report (#10).
Click OK. Now delete the OU based on your last name.
STEP 3: Make User With Your Name the Manager of the Sales OU
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