Enter the diver's name: Dave Smith
Enter the diver's city: Houston
Enter the score given by judge #1: 5.7
Enter the score given by judge #2: 6.8
Enter the score given by judge #3: 7.6
Enter the score given by judge #4: 8.7
Enter the score given by judge #5: 6.7
What was the degree of difficulty? 1.1
Diver: Dave Smith, City: Houston
Overall score was 7.74
Do you want to process another diver (Y/N)? n
Number of divers participating: 2
Average score of all divers: 7.71
Press any key to continue . . .
Step 2: Processing Logic
Using the pseudocode below, write the code that will meet the requirements.
Write report heading
Loop as long as there are divers to process