CIS 170C iLab 3 of 7 Looping (100% Correct) CIS 170C iLab 3 of 7 Looping (100% Correct) | Page 4

Event: Diving competition Enter the diver's name: Sue Jones Enter the diver's city: Dallas Enter the score given by judge #1: 45 Invalid score - Please reenter (Valid Range: 0 - 10) Enter the score given by judge #1: 3 Enter the score given by judge #2: 4.5 Enter the score given by judge #3: 6.7 Enter the score given by judge #4: 89 Invalid score - Please reenter (Valid Range: 0 - 10) Enter the score given by judge #4: 8 Enter the score given by judge #5: 9.2 What was the degree of difficulty? 1.9 Invalid degree of difficulty - Please reenter (Valid Range: 1 - 1.67) What was the degree of difficulty? 2 Invalid degree of difficulty - Please reenter (Valid Range: 1 - 1.67) What was the degree of difficulty? 1.2 Diver: Sue Jones, City: Dallas Overall score was 7.68 Do you want to process another diver (Y/N)? y