· Save document and post it as an attachment . =================================================== CIS 105 CheckPoint : Types of Networks
o Move your mouse over the first sentence , highlighting the sentence .
o Move your mouse up to the toolbar at the top of the page and click on the “ B ” to bold
the sentence .
o Click and move your mouse over the second sentence , highlighting the sentence .
o Move your mouse up to the toolbar at the top of the page and click on the “ A ” to
change the color of the second sentence to blue . o Click and move your mouse to highlight the entire paragraph .
o Click on Format on the toolbar , Font , and change the font to 14-pt Comic Sans , and
then click OK .
o Click on the paragraph at the start of the first line with your mouse and hit Tab to
indent five spaces . CIS 105 Survey of Computer Information Systems Course Syllabus Page 16
· Save document and post it as an attachment . =================================================== CIS 105 CheckPoint : Types of Networks