CIS 105 MENTOR It's Your Life/ CIS 105 MENTOR It's Your Life/ | Page 12

word processing program on your computer with the following specifics :
o Open Microsoft ® Word . o Create a new document by clicking on File , then New . o Copy and paste the following paragraph :
1 . Click and move your mouse over the paragraph , highlighting the paragraph .
2 . Click Ctrl + C ( copy ). 3 . Click on your blank document with the mouse . 4 . Click Ctrl + V ( paste ).
Learning how to use Word to improve personal and job productivity is easy and helpful .
The basics include opening and creating a Word document , making the document appear
professional , and saving the file .
· Complete the following changes on this paragraph : o Before you lose any data , click on File , Save As , and name this file yournameweek4checkpoint , such as karenweek4checkpoint . o Use Ctrl + S to save the file every minute to avoid losing data .
o Add one line to the paragraph above about how hard or easy you found this process
to be by clicking at the end of the last sentence and typing .