Cider Mag September 2013 | Page 34

issue 35 working_Layout 1 9/16/2013 10:12 AM Page 34 Th Gr Bale and is a psychological thriller that takes you down an ever darkening path until the light of truth is shown upon the character. For a long time (including American Psyco) I thought Bale was unable to act his way out of a wet paper bag. Don’t get me wrong, American Psyco (and American Psyco 2, Fivel Goes West) are great movies, but Bale’s acting is campy at best and his British accent pokes through like me in a Speedo. The Batman movies are amazing, but again some of the dialogue with Bruce Wayne he either seems surprised that he got the lines right or arrogant because he stayed up all night practicing billionaire-playboy-face in the mirror. But in The Machinist, as well as The Fighter, you see Bale transform into the skin of another person. So my theory is an Underweight Bale is more capable of acting than a Normal or Built Bale. Normal Bale (American Psycho, Reign of Fire) is the worst at acting, unless the movie is a period piece (The Prestige, 3:10 to Yuma) because for some reason these did not fit my theory. Built Bale is better (Equilibrium, Batman, Rescue Dawn depending on the section of the movie). Anorexic Bale friggin kills it every time! Why is that? Christian Bales himself out with Finkle: The Machinist stars a 110 lb Christian Einhorn watches a Chick Flick! This is what Finkle gets for letting me go to VHQ by myself! This movie was actually pretty good for a chick flick. Diane Keaton, Robert Deniro and Susan Sarandon anchor this cast in a weird love triangle: Ellie and Don (Keaton and Deniro) are divorced parents of mama-wanna-be Lyla (Katherine Heigl), Eternal Virgin/Hot Doctor Jared (Topher Grace) and soon-to-be wed Alejandro (Ben Barnes) - who is actually adopted and from Colombia. Sarandon plays Bebe- the “other woman” who broke up Don and Ellie, whom we also find out, was Ellie’s best friend and has been a huge part of the kids’ lives for the past 15 years while Ellie was “finding herself”. Talk about awkward! Alejandro is set to marry Missy (adorable Amanda Seyfried)- to do this his adoptive family must make nice with Missy’s parents- two mildly bigoted old school types in denial about their own place in the world. On top of that they have to appeas e their priest, played by Robin Williams and Alejandro’s birth-mother-Madonna, a Super Catholic that doesn’t speak English. Tricky, since Ellie is a “Buddhist” and Don is just a dirty old man. Trickier…Alejandro never told Madonna about his parents’ divorce. So Don and Ellie play house while Bebe hides out and struggles with having to miss the wedding she helped plan in order to make it go smoothly. The Big Wedding was a Big Mess- but in the end I am pretty sure everyone (except those Catholics) got some action and felt better. The Big Wedding