Cider Mag September 2013 | Page 32

issue 35 working_Layout 1 9/16/2013 10:12 AM Page 32 Breakin it with T-Noonz "Imagine if Mozart had an MPC..." (Music Production Center) aka Tom Noonan face whence graced with its presentation. I mean it's a safe bet right? After all he was the Einstein of classical, the Davinci of composition, the all time champion who set the bar for all musicians to come after him. Its an exciting thought but we can't really put it to the test can we? However it did lead me to the idea for my next features. because it is half of the formula to recording a track but they can also inspire you, and give you a direction when struggling to find something to rap about. There are a few options one frustrated emcee will have to consider when searching for beats: 1. Take other artists instrumentals and make a mix tape, which can be fun but isn't very That thought wandered into my noggin the other day whilst I was staring at the living room wall. I was a little hazy from an afternoon of honey palmas and shark week drinking games as I blurted it out. A friend of mine murmured "whoooa..." So I gathered it was blabber worthy of writing down. But really, Imagine that. Arguably the finest composer who has ever lived with every sound in the world available at his fingertips! Did you know he began composing on the piano and violin at age five? This would lead me to assume he could pick up beat production pretty fuggin quickly. He was blessed with the ability to envision entire symphonies, picturing each instrument's voice and it's contribution and now he would have every sound within earshot available to sample and reproduce. With all those voices to consider rattling around upstairs his head might just explode! I would hope he would produce a few hip-hop beats, buuut he would probably be busy inventing some new revolutionary style of music. I'm sure whatever he pumped out would be nothing but eardrum ambrosia that would melt your w Do n Dao Jones Zach Crawford This issue will canvas two producer/emcees who build their own beats. Don't sweat it, I wont go comparing anyone to Mozart ever, that would be outrageous. However these two composers are both very talented and also happen to be stellar emcees. It can be very expensive and frustrating for an emcee to find beats to write and record over, and they really fucking need them! That is not just original 2 Find beats online or from a producer and acquire them either free, bartered, or bought, which is usually costly or 3. You can always make them yourself. Many emcees resort to the last option and in result can produce some pretty half baked garbage that might not even keep a beat. But like anything else there are some people out there that are just better at it than others J Dilla, Kanye West, an