issue 35 working_Layout 1 9/16/2013 10:12 AM Page 31
PG 31
A trombone player and an accordion player are playing a New Years's eve gig at a local club.. The place is packed and everybody is absolutely loving the music .. shortly after midnight, the club owner comes up to the duo and says, "You guys sound great .. everybody loves you .. I'd like to know if the two of you are free to come back here next New Year's eve to play ?? ... The two musicians look at each other then to the club owner .. and the trombone player says "Sure .. we'd love to .. Is it OK if we leave our stuff here ??" What do call a successful musician? A guy whose wife/girlfriend has 2 jobs. "Hey buddy, how late does the band play?" "Oh, about a half a beat behind the drummer."
How do you know when the stage is level ? The drummer is drooling out of both sides of his mouth ..
How many guitar players does it take to cover a Stevie Ray Vaughn tune ? Evidently all of them
CAUTION: Please do not read unless you have a sense of humor. Thank you.
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How many altos does it take to change a lightbulb? None; they can't get up that high.