issue 37 working_Layout 1 11/1/2013 1:16 PM Page 8
PG 8
ncin’ Dan Ru
with ..
You are known to many of the cult
locals in Southern Vermont as
'Dancin Dan'.. where did the name
start and why do you think you are
known this way?
Although I was initially
embarrassed by this nickname given
to me by Jatoba, I have come to
embrace it. I was introduced to them
shortly after they formed and could
not sit still when they were playing.
Back then I was enduring a most
difficult personal struggle and dancing
to their music brought me a lot of joy.
Through them I discovered the local
Your recordings of local shows have become a hit across band members websites and soundclouds.. how did you get started in recording?
I left too many shows fully satisfied, but knowing that the music was lost but
to happy memory. After talking to a taper at StrangeCreek a few years ago, I
researched online ( and bought some introductory gear.
My first recordings were Flabberghaster; I think I have recorded them most.
The bands and venues have been very friendly as I learn the craft. I am
hooked and strive to improve.
The fans want to know, who REALLY is Dan's favorite band? Both all
time, and local?
I like all sorts of music, but without question my number one would be the
Grateful Dead. I attended an obscene number of shows back in the day (with
Jerry.) Locally there are some bands that I am quite fond of (they know who
they are.) My favorite is probably Jatoba.
If you were stranded on a deserted island, and you could have one
album, one book , and one person with you.. what are they?
I would be hard pressed to just pick even ten albums, but any list I have ever
tried to make always includes Blind Faith (1969.) Book – Prodigal Summer
(Barbara Kingsolver) Person – my daughter (while I wouldn’t really wish that
on her, I sure would like to spend more time with her).
Were you ever a musician yourself or just the ultimate fan?
I play guitar, trombone and some piano, and sang in church choir and glee
club in my youth.