issue 37 working_Layout 1 11/1/2013 1:16 PM Page 7
the projects he had previously started
and I was onboard. Rock the 802
was then officially re-born in mid-January of 2013.”
Sponsored by Frazzle Gear,
( which supports and promotes animal rescue
and welfare groups through their pet
products, Rock the 802 strives to promote, showcase and support all genres of Vermont-based music. Their
cool and informative Facebook page
(also on Twitter @802ROCK) allows
anyone - bands, artists, promoters,
venues and fans - to promote all Vermont music through the posting of
announcements, information, stories,
links, photos and videos.
“Rock the 802 has given local
musicians and the public a platform
to come together,” Teri said. “Bands
and musicians can promote their
shows and music projects, while also
giving Vermont music fans a place to
check out what is going on for music
in the area. It has been a win-win situation for everyone involved.”
To this end, Axel was a beacon
of opportunity and awareness, realizing the need for a grassroots platform
in which all musical talent throughout
the Green Mountain State can be deservedly recognized, heard, and appreciated. “Axel touched a lot of lives
and was always quick with a smile
and a comment to make you laugh,”
Teri added. “He was one of the most
genuine people I have ever met and
you always knew where you stood
with him.
Axel seemed to have a natural
ability for drawing people together…
one big thing I noticed over the last
year was the number of local musicians who were going out to each
others’ shows. Axel was always encouraging this and inviting people
and musicians to come out and meet
other bands and hear different music.
Music was his passion! Axel truly
loved life and live for the moment
to play the songs that Axel would
… he will be deeply missed by all
have loved.”
who knew him.”
It is these types of gestures that
Axel may no longer be here,
show just how much of an impact and
physically, but in researching and
writing this article I can confidently tell impression a person has made on
you that he is going to remain with a others and with Axel, there is no
whole lot of people who will carry on doubt that he made a lot of people’s
his passion for enjoying and promot- lives richer and this world a better
ing the Vermont music scene. In fact, place. I recently read this quote on
it has already started, for on Novem- the Rock the 802 Facebook page and
ber 30 there will be a tribute to Axel at I believe Axel’s sister, Marey, said it
much better than this Vermont music
The Venue nightclub in South
journalist ever could. Amen.
Burlington. Appropriately dubbed
“He was all about showing sup802 For Axe, the benefit show will
port for local music and now, all his
feature nine Vermont bands spread
out over two rooms and stages, with love is coming back full circle. Lil’
all proceeds benefiting the Axel Foun- brother really had no clue how much
of an impact he had on so many and
dation – which was recently created
to assist Mr. Ringwig’s family in mov- this (tribute show) is the chance for
all of us to celebrate his life in the
ing forward. The featured bands inway he would've wanted. When
clude Justice, MindTrap, Q uadra,
someone you love becomes a memLast Words, Stone Bullet, Nightrain,
Barbie-N-Bones, Pleasure Dome and ory, the memories become a treasure... so dry them tears, throw up
W.A.R. (William Axel Ringwig) Mathose horns and let’s send out a roar
chine – a band recently created to
that cannot be ignored.”
honor Axel and
featuring musicians from a
few of these
bands. Taken
directly from the
W.A.R. MaFriday, Nov. 1st- Version 6
chine Facebook
Saturday, Nov. 2ndpage: “Just a
Friday, Nov. 8th- Tom Foolery Band
Saturday, Nov. 9th- Wyld Nights
group of guys
Friday, Nov. 15th- Groove Prophet
who decided to
Saturday, Nov. 16th- Natalie Turgeon
throw a band
Friday, Nov. 22nd- The Nines
together in
Saturday, Nov. 23rd- Floyd Patterson
honor of our
Wednesday, Nov. 27th-DJ Kris Klein
good friend
Friday, Nov. 29th- Mark and Deb Bond
Saturday, Nov. 30th- Version 6
William Axel
Ringwig. Combining members
from Pleasure
Dome, Justice,
Nightrain and
Area 51, this
band sets out