issue 38 working_Layout 1 12/7/2013 1:50 PM Page 22
Ashley George and Jens
Fulkerson for working at the door
and sales table, Debbie Yandow
for selling raffle tickets, Jon Mongeon for donating a large portion
of his raffle winnings back to the
benefit, Crystal Hayford for making a generous donation and all
the wonderful staff at The Venue.
“The show was awesome… it really showed how much the people loved Axel,” said Taylor
Arsenault of Rock the 802, Area
51 and of course, W.A.R. Machine. “I really can’t thank The
Venue and all the bands enough
for all the work they did. All the
bands really stepped up and put
on some of the best sets I've
seen in a long time. Thank you to
all who came to support the
biggest supporter of the local
music scene. Axel would have
definitely been proud… this was
truly an epic event.”
“Of course, we also want to
thank Axel’s family and all the
music fans that came out to the
show,” Teri concluded. “Axel really would have loved this and
we are so happy that everyone
came together to celebrate him!
See you next time and remember
to always ‘Rock the 802!’”
The event generated over
$5,000, which has been donated
to the Axel Foundation. If you
would like to make a contribution
to this music scholarship fund,
please contact Rock the 802’s
Teri Richer at
[email protected] and as
always, we thank you for
R.I.P Mr. Ringwig
supporting the local Vermont
music scene, along with the
man who did everything he
could to promote it.
Editor’s Note:
This article follows last
month’s cover
story honoring Mr. Ringwig,
which was also printed and
distributed to family, friends
and musicians alike
at this wonderful tribute
concert. Cider is proud
to have played a
small part in celebrating
Axel’s dedication to
promoting the Vermont
music scene and vow to
do whatever we can to
help this cause and the
music scene it
represents moving
forward. - Joe Milliken