issue 38 working_Layout 1 12/7/2013 1:50 PM Page 17
This is an easy IPA to drink
for those of you who fear the
hops. It’s 70 IBU and 6.2% ABV
makes it powerful enough to
stand up and be bold, but with a
super light, refreshing, non-bitter
flavor that says, “Yeah… I’m a
light beer.” It’s sweet enough and
has a good balance of carbonation, with a lasting finish and
pleasant drinkability.
Keeping things white, I
grabbed a local Arizona beer to
interlude, and I’ll tell you about it
real quick as I make my way on to
the next beer. See? That’s how I
roll, beer before beer, after having
a beer. Mudshark Brewery is just
up the road from Phoenix on the
Cali/Nevada border and it’s a
wee-bitty place, but they crank out
some sick beer. I’ve dabbled in
some product, but not yet this
one… the “Full Moon” Belgian
Style White Ale. It’s orangy,
cloudy, hazy look is appealing. It
smells like bready, malty, orangepeel, spice (that’s good)! The
taste, if you ever get your hands
on one is pretty damn good and
PG 17
for a 6.6% , it’ll definitely take us for our finale. Milk Stout “nitro”
easily into the next beer. Let’s is in the glass. A 2013 GABF
crank open the next!
Gold Medal winner, winner,
Big surprise here… I’m
chicken dinner! Let’s try this
going to review a Leinenkugel.
puppy out. Pours dark as
For some, unknown reason, I
night, smells like a molasses,
hate this brewery. That aside,
rich and creamy sweet malts
I’ve had several of their beers
and OOOOPS, I drank some.
and will again now. The Snow- And it’s good! I would have this
drift Vanilla Porter screams of
beer with eggs and bacon in
winter and needs to be tasted.
the morning. I would also have
So let’s get this over with. Is
it now, at 12:11 am. The taste
your wood stove fired up? Go
and texture are spot on and the
do it! Pours pretty dark, but
profile hits the bull’s-eye.
some light gets through, like a
I’m going to fade into the
cola. The nose is rich in vanilla, night. You all drink good beer
sweet scents of malt and the first and stay warm. Until the next
sip surprises me by its smooth, ???F?(
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