issue 38 working_Layout 1 12/7/2013 1:50 PM Page 16
Well it’s that time again
beer drinking friends, to round
out these short lit days with
more hours of drinking time.
With the sun setting around
3pm, I’d say that’s a good time
to douse your taste buds in
some malted barley concoctions. After all, once the sun
goes down in New England,
staying warm and drinking kind
of go hand in hand. And once
the snow begins, we shift our
beer gear in a new direction.
So let’s start with a Winter
Seasonal from New Belgium
Brewing Co. in Colorado. My
first experience with New Belgium’s product was their flagship Fat Tire. A good “go to
beer” any day of the year,
these guys have made a huge
mark on the craft beer market
and have just released their Accumulation – White India Pale
Ale. While most people think
of big, rich, flavorful porters and
stouts for winter-time beer, this
guy is not that kind of animal.
It pours super light and bubbly,
with a slight haze and a clingy
lace from a dissipating head.
The smell is faint, but crisp with
a subtle hint of the piney citrus
of an IPA, but it’s not in your
face. Maybe a little musty…
who cares, let’s drink it.
Cider’s monthly beer column