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Training in New Hampshire, which starts in November and meets once a month through June, has been running strong for over five years and the SchoolYoga Institute now has over 80 graduates in the area. SchoolYoga’s professional curriculum is also registered with Yoga Alliance.
“Our local training attracts students from New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, Massachusetts and New York I believe, because our format is very attractive to people with busy lives. We meet one weekend a month for seven months, and then have a five-day retreat in June.” Therefore, if you are reading this and even remotely interested in yoga - now is the time. “I know many of you have probably been thinking about This would be Bryan
trying this for years,” Bryan concluded. “No matter where you are in life, no matter if you want to teach or not and no matter how much or little yoga experience you have - this program will provide you with the space to reflect and focus on you and give you the clarity and courage to make positive change in your life.”
To learn more about SchoolYoga Institute find them at
Now is the time…
or call toll free (886) 964.2123