Cider Mag August 2013 | Page 24

issue 34 working_Layout 1 8/7/2013 11:44 AM Page 24 to 12 countries and offer 20 yoga trainings a year. We now have a team of 15 facilitators that allow us to offer our authentic yoga trainings around the globe, every month of the year.” Russell’s credentials and by Joe Milliken experiences are extensive: Assistant Director, MBA, RYT-500, Yoga Sivananda and For those of us who may not SchoolYoga Certified, Hatha and know much, or perhaps anything at Vinyasa Yoga Teacher. Brian has all about the benefits of yoga, then been teaching yoga in the Monadock this could be an eye-opening article Region since 2005, as well as for you… such as it has been for this facilitating SchoolYoga Institute writer. Admittedly, all I really knew “teacher training courses” around the about yoga was that it involved world since 2006. stretching, but I now realize it is SchoolYoga Institute offers their indeed, much more than that. It also unique understanding and practices turns out that the SchoolYoga of not only ancient scriptures such as Institute in Keene is the ideal local Yoga Sutras, Vedanta, Bhahavad entity to begin learning about this Gita, Tantric Yoga and Greek ancient, mystical Hindu-derived Mythology (to only name a few), but tradition. also the modern spiritual teachings In essence, SchoolYoga of the Dalai Lama, Eckhart Tolle and Institute is an extended, resourceful others. The main focus is to share family of yoga teachers and and understand these teachings, but practitioners who have extensively to also help integrate these concepts studied and experienced the wonders into our daily lives through health, of yoga, however and just as healing and transformation. important, also feel the desire to The institute offers both 200 share their experiences with others and 500 hour yoga teacher training like you and I and to simply value the programs that teach people how to yoga tradition and strive to blend the become yoga teachers and how to wisdom into everyday life. improve their own lives. “Our What originally started out as a life-changing programs are simply for one-teacher training course a decade anyone looking for a better life,” ago has now blossomed into Bryan said. “We have over ten years something much more. “SchoolYoga experience in guiding new teacher Institute began in California on 2002 and we provide an opportunity for with just one teacher and one course self-growth and personal a year,” co-founder Bryan Russell transformation. The format is said. “Since then, we have expanded ideal – blending the weekend format In The Spotlight: CIDER MAGAZINE ISSUE 34 Reaching your soul at SchoolYoga Institute PG 24 WWW.CIDERMAG.COM YogaSchool Institute with the immersion format – and getting the benefits of both experiences… it is really a priceless experience.”