Cider Mag August 2013 | Page 17

issue 34 working_Layout 1 8/7/2013 11:43 AM Page 17 CIDER MAGAZINE ISSUE 34 PG 17 WWW.CIDERMAG.COM as I und ht that shut ut that keeps he Red Fox Inn Bondville, VT Joe Peanuts Keene, NH Pub 42 Rutland, VT Lab N’ Lager Keene, NH Sunday Pleasant Valley Brewing Saxtons River, VT Clear River Tavern Pittsfield, VT Valley View Saloon Dover, VT Send in your Open Mic listing and pics to [email protected] Thursday Metropolis Brattleboro, VT Bentley’s Woodstock, VT Local Burger Keene, NH The Killarney Ludlow, VT Monday Tuesday PK’s Pub Bellows Falls, VT The Inferno Brattleboro, VT Main 7'W7B6???&?&?&?Vv????6?W&N( ?2?RVV6?VR?eB?Wr6?6??2&"bw&???6?&V???B???F?R6?ffVRW?6??vR6fR'WF??B?e@???&??w2WFW&&?&?Vv????6V?FW"7B??W?'WF??B?eB'??( ?2&V????wF???eB&&?'?( ?2'&GF?V&?&??eBfW&???B???6V?FW"'&GF?V&?&??e@??vVF?W6F???6?V???????r?'F??B?eBF?RW&fV7Bv?fR??6?W7FW"?eBr&'&V?'&WvW'?vW7B?V&??????WV??'&?V?'&GF?V&?&??e@??4?( ?2BF??v?VV?W.( ?2v??FR&?fW"?V?7F????eBF?R?&??'&GF?V&?&??e@??7F??R?V'F????6?W7FW"?eBF?R&&?v?WB?e@??g&?F????7Bb7&BvVF?W6F?2???7W?'B??6??W6?2??D??P??V6???