Ciao Feb/Mar 2018 CIAO_FebMar2018_Digital | страница 17

hottest February 1-11, 2018 DINE ABOUT WINNIPEG at these exciting restaurants Bailey's Blaze Bouchée Boucher Brazen Hall Café Carlo Café Ce Soir F E B R U A R Y 1 - 11, 2 0 1 8 Café Dario Capital Grill and Bar Chop Close Co. F E B R U A the R Y best 1 - of 1 1 Winnipeg’s , 2 0 1 8 Experience exceptional culinary talent. Enjoy three-course, set-price dinner menus at some of the city’s fi nest restaurants. Restaurants will sell out, and reservations are required, so call now to reserve your spot! All restaurants offer alternative menu options For a complete list of menus, including gluten-free and vegetarian options visit media sponsor Desserts Plus Fusion Grill Helios Hermanos South Michele's Mona Lisa Nicolino's North Garden Pasquale's Promenade Café & Wine Saddlery On Market Sals Test Kitchen Star Grill Toukie's Lounge