Ciao Apr/May 2019 CIAO_AprMay2019_Digital | Page 4

THE ESSENTIAL GUIDE TO WINNIPEG’S FUN AND FABULOUS FOOD • FASHION • HOME editors Sarah Ritchie Jessie Schmitdke art director Donna Tapay PEGuru editorial contributor Joelle Kidd Photo contributing photographers David Lipnowski Ian McCausland If you are a local loving, community minded enthusiast (a.k.a. all Ciao! readers) this is the resource you’ve been waiting for! Created by the editors (a.k.a. Winnipeg Gurus) at Ciao! and WHERE magazine, celebrates Winnipeg’s best places. We know our city inside-out, visiting new opens and sampling what’s out there to find the truly exceptional. So for everyone who wishes there was one trustworthy source to find out what’s happening and hot right now, PEGuru is for you! It spotlights events, acts, festivals, food and sensational shops – all curated to include what matters and leave out what doesn’t. Live your best city with 2 ciao! / apr/may / two thousand nineteen number one hundred and fifteen advertising designer Elena El administration Lorraine Harrison published by: Fanfare Magazine Group publisher Laurie Hughes founder Brad Hughes Subscriptions: $14 (taxes included) 400–112 Market Avenue Winnipeg MB R3B 0P4 tel: 204.943.4439 fax: 204.947.5463 ISSN: 1499-4925 Canadian Publications Mail Product Sales Agreement # 40010531 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Fanfare Magazine Group, 400–112 Market Ave, Winnipeg, MB, R3B 0P4 PRINTED IN CANADA Member Cuisine Canada Manitoba Food Processors Association Manitoba Restaurant Association All rights reserved. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the written consent of the publisher. @ciaowinnipeg