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Hegedűs 7 and they cry out to be relieved.” Whether these properties are merely objects or the rule holds for humans as well remains uncertain. In addition, what is exactly meant by “burden” may be subjected to different interpretations. To measure your attitude toward Satanist beliefs, see the “How Satanic are You?” section below Several rules support the conceptualization of humans as animals. The fifth rule mentions proper sexual behavior quite obscurely; it forbids the initiation of sexual advances unless receiving a “mating signal.” Once again, the details of such a sign are not made explicit, but the terminology reaffirms the idea that man is “just another animal.” Rule number ten proscribes hunting unless being attacked or in need of food. The rule defines the targets of hunting as “non-human animals,” which vocabulary mediates the perception of people as human animals. The third and fourth rules are dedicated to the delineation of proper behavior when entering another's “lair,” which expression evokes the conceptual frame of wild animals. Whereas the third rule requires showing respect in another one's home, the fourth authorizes the host to treat annoying guests cruelly and without mercy. The final, eleventh rule appears to be consistent with the ones concerning “annoyance,” whatever LaVey refers to under this term. “Stupidity—The top of the list for Satanic Sins.” He calls upon his followers not to bother anyone. In case someone is bothering the Satanist, he or she should ask the annoyer to stop the disturbing activity. If the annoyer continues, the Satanist is encouraged to “destroy” the violator. However, contradicting this tenet, when a teenager warned to “kill in the name of our unholy lord Satan” in 2007, the church prevented the murder by reporting the threat to the police. Similarly to destruction, many instructions