Hegedűs 6
Instead, the statements advocate indulgence, vital existence, undefiled wisdom, kindness only
to those who deserve it, and vengeance. Furthermore, LaVey, warns against individuals whom
he calls “psychic vampires” (13). They are people deemed as weak because although they
demand care and attention, they would never care to give any back. The founder of the
Church of Satan requires the Satanist to distance oneself from such individuals. The seventh
statement asserts that man is no other than just another animal. In fact, due to intellectual
evolution, “man has become the most vicious animal of them all” (13). In addition to
emphasizing the importance of claiming responsibility for the responsible, the rebellious spirit
of Satan stands for every sin condemned by traditional religious approaches, “as they all lead
to physical, mental, or emotional gratification” (13). As this penultimate statement indicates,
Satanism does not endorse the suppression of human nature. In the final point of describing
what Satan represents, the ninth statement presents Satan, somewhat cynically, as the “best
friend” traditional churches ever had, because the key to their success is blaming Satan for
human fallibility (13). Hence, churches should be thankful to Satan for keeping their business
The Eleven Satanic Rules
Ranging from general to more specific, “The Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth”
complement LaVey's behavioral instructions. Each rule is a concise yet commanding
prescription to be followed by anyone who dares to call himself a Satanist. The shortest rule
forbids harming little children. It does not detail, however, what is meant by harming, and
who counts as a little child. Further rules prescribe not to give opinions or advice, and not to
tell one's troubles unless being asked to or being convinced that others want to hear those
judgments or complaints. The sixth rule bans the appropriation of property ambiguously. It
disallows taking anything that does not belong to one “unless it is a burden to the other person