Teenagers around the world have a major prob on finding & dating the best person. Many, faces lots of problems like they become broken-hearted, some remains unmarried for the life time and more dangerous stuff.
As christians, you girls do not need to worry that much, because, God who created man & woman, has already chosen your fella for you. The only thing you have to do is praying for him, anyway this article is to show you some ways about how to date through
Tip 01: "Add this request to your daily prayers"
As i said before your guy is some where out there. So now you need to find him. Pray to God and also ask for a sign or you will have to date every guy who asks you out!!!
Tip 02: "Do not Jump!"
When you finally find him and your sign is confirmed do not jump like frogs even before he asks you out! Be patient and pray if that is the person,that you need another sign. Until he asks you out be calm and cool.
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