Christian Teen Girls Sep. 2011 | Page 10

Tip 03: "Be honest"

In relationships which lasts long the best quality we can find is 'honesty', teenagers dating for fun do not agree with this, but we must or else we will have to repey oneday. Do not boast about what isn't yours, show the REAL you.

Tip 04: "No private & confidential!"

This 'private & confidential' thing will appy with other stuff but in a true relationship you will have to give-up keeping secrets. Even-though you feel that he'll get pissed, do not worry, just tell it. Oneday he will realize you didn't keep any secrets for yourself & he will be more loving & caring.

Tip 05: "Extra curriculum"

As we all know, when we are dating all the other stuff is extra work for us, even studies! It can be, but remember you must complete those too, to have a good job in the future.

Tip 06: "Be pleasent"

Most think that after they found the right guy it's over & become careless like not dressing well eventhough they dressed well before, Pleasentness in their speech etc. These stuff should be the same as in the beginning

Hope you enjoyed, check next week for more.......


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