Christian Musician NovDec16 | Page 23

[ CM ] Tell me about the American Idol experience . What did God teach you through it ?
Lauren : Yeah ! So , I was there for the first time when I was 17 years old . I was so young . Remember , I was 16 when I sang in public for the first time . I was really stepping out because my family and friends were encouraging me to do it . I ended up getting to the very end of Hollywood week … it ’ s called the “ Green Mile ” where you walk and sit with the judges right before the live shows to see if you make it .
And , I got cut . I remember walking off really disappointed because I was like , “ What is the thing that separated me from the others that made it through ?” I asked Simon Cowell that and he wouldn ’ t tell me ! I was like , “ I ’ m asking you to be mean ! I ’ m asking for constructive criticism !” He was like , “ Oh , just come back next year .” I had tears in my eyes and my mom said , “ You don ’ t have to live by man ’ s word . If the Lord tells you that you ’ re going to sing , just stay focused .” And I remember thinking , “ OK , this is where my identity is formed . I have to know if I am going to trust what man says or am I going to get right back up and say , “ Whatever You desire ” to the Lord ?” So , I went back to singing at home in Louisiana . I went back to LSU and leading worship and I went back to try American Idol again . I made it to Hollywood week . I remember singing in a mic and taking a deep breath right before one of the performances . I was like , “ Lord , if You don ’ t meet me here then this is not worth it . I just want Your presence above all of this .” I remember realizing that this is what the Lord wanted me coming back to American Idol for . He just wanted me to see that my heart loves
Nov � Dec 2016 ChristianMusician . com