Christian Leadership | Page 15


Let me ask you a question : are the things you are doing today getting you closer to where you want to be ? In Psalms 90:12 the writer prays and petitions God to teach him to use wisely the time that he has . How are you spending your time as a leader ? It is not just what we offer to God , but the order in which we offer it . Understand this ; God has something to say to you and he has something to say through you ! The key is to be intentional with the time you have been giving .
Matthew 6:33 ( NLT ) states , “ Seek the Kingdom of God above all else , and live righteously , and he will give you everything you need .” In other words , whatever you put first orders the rest . As you are on this leadership journey and begin to pursue your purpose you begin to imagine what could take place in your future . This is why it ’ s so important to focus on your purpose and what adds value to it . If it is not adding value and helping you to get to where you need to be , you should reconsider the time you are spending on the task or reconsider the relationship . If you forget the ultimate , you will be enslaved to the immediate .
Once you grasp your purpose , your priorities change . Without purpose you will wander and waste an awful lot your life in the process . Part of your purpose is found in your giftings . 1 Peter 4:10 speaks about using your gifts for the benefit of others . We should be serving in the capacity to where we are using those gifts to add value to others . As a leader if you put people first and help them achieve their goals , the return is that you will reach yours .
5 P R I N C I P L E S E V E R Y L E A D E R S H O U L D K N O W