Christian Leadership | Page 14

Once you define what that looks like , seek out someone who has the results that you want . Understand that there is someone out there that has the results you are looking for . No matter what it costs you , whether it be your time or money , spend time with those individuals . Once you find that person , listen and learn . Remember : great leaders ask great questions . As you are learning , do whatever they ask you do . Put into practice all that you are learning . Continue that process until you have the results that you want .
Your inner circle has to have a level of accountability and transparency . Please understand that there will be times that conflict arises , but when it is managed correctly within the circle , trust develops and growth occurs . You need people around you to hold you accountable . I can ' t stress enough that the transparency you show is crucial in building those relationships . As a leader you do need to show vulnerability .
If you haven ' t developed an inner circle or if you are just starting this journey , pray for God to send you who you need . Look for some commonality , ensure they compliment your weaknesses , and most importantly , make sure they are with you and running toward the same vision .
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