follower of my Savior, Jesus, who died to save me. I am an ordinary teenage girl who will do extraordinary things for the Kingdom of the Lord.
Before God called me to be His I was not a sweet girl as you might think I am now. Before Jesus, I was a self-centered, bratty little girl, who only cared about her own needs and wants.
One night I could not sleep. I was crying. My soul was hurting. I had a God sized hole in my heart that could only be filled by Him. When I came to my parents with tear-filled eyes, they pointed me to my Savior. I became a changed child of God. Fast forward a few years, I had drifted away from Christ and when convicted spiritually by this I rededicated my life to my Savior.
about her own needs and wants.
One night I could not sleep. I was crying. My soul was hurting. I had a God sized hole in my heart that could only be filled by Him. When I came to my parents with tear-filled eyes, they pointed me to my Savior. I became a changed child of God. Fast forward a few years, I had drifted away from Christ and when convicted spiritually by this I rededicated my life to my Savior.There is an unexplainable joy (not happiness, joy) that Christ gives you when you choose to lay your life down at His feet. All of Jesus’ benefits such as love, peace, joy, kindness, everlasting friendship, strength, guidance, and so much more motivated and still motivates me to know Jesus more and more each and every day.
After dedicating my life to Jesus, He began immediately to change me. I am now more patient, kind, loving. I have more strength, joyl, and I know I am valued. My soul is continually filled with God. He fills that God sized hole in my heart every time I choose to call on Him.
Now, why would I tell you this?? Well I have 3 reasons:
1. For YOU to experience Jesus.
He will save you from all your troubles. That doesn’t mean you won’t have troubles, it means He will give you the strength to overcome those troubles and He will help you.