Hey there, I’m Bella.
I’m a blogger, YouTuber, social media junky, daughter to the best parents, sister to three amazing and sometimes annoying brothers, and most importantly, a daughter of the One True King, the God of the universe. My Heavenly Father, who saved me from all of my sins and continues to do so every single day, is the most important factor in my life. My greatest passion is living my life for the One who loves me the most, that being my Savior, Jesus.
“If I tell you my story, you will find hope that wouldn’t let go. If I told you my story, you would hear love that never give up. If I told you my story, you would hear life but it wasn’t mine. If I should speak then let it be of the grace that is greater than all my sin, of when justice was served and where mercy wins, of the kindness of Jesus that draws me in. To tell you my story is to tell of Him. If I told you my story you would hear victory over the enemy. If I told you my story you would hear freedom that was won for me. If I told you my story you would hear life overcome the grave. If I should speak then let it be of the grace that is greater than all my sin, of when justice was served and where mercy wins, of the kindness of Jesus that draws me in. To tell you my story is to tell of Him. This is my story, this is my song, praising my Savior all the day long.” ~Big Daddy Weave, My Story
life overcome the grave. If I should speak then let it be of the grace that is greater than all my sin, of when justice was served and where mercy wins, of the kindness of Jesus that draws me in. To tell you my story is to tell of Him. This is my story, this is my song, praising my Savior all the day long.” ~Big Daddy Weave, My Story
This song is a great reminder that our story is not our own. Our story points back to the Author of our stories.
My story, which is His, goes like this. I am Annabelle Kiefer. I am a follower of my Savior, Jesus, who died to save me. I am an ordinary teenage girl who will do extraordinary things for the Kingdom of the Lord.
Before God called me to be His I was not a sweet girl as you might think I am now. Before Jesus, I was a self-centered, bratty little girl, who only cared about her own needs and wants.