Christ Centered Girls Magazine August/September 1 | Page 44

Erica: First off, if you’re a teen mom reading this, remember that you are BRAVE and never stop believing in yourself, or your dreams. Since I became a mom myself at the age of 16, I know first-hand what it is to be young, raising a child. You have to ‘grow up’ overnight, and you often have to make many sacrifices, at a very young age.

For me personally, continuing my education was something that was very important to me. Perhaps a part of me wanted to prove all the naysayers wrong, and not only finish High School, but finish college. But there was a bigger part of me that just wanted to make my son proud, and be the best mom that I could.

7. CCG: How did you start InspireHer?

Erica: It was around three years ago that I was really feeling led to share my story, I just wasn’t sure how that was going to look. I started off by mentoring teen girls who had been through rough struggles in their lives, and sharing my experiences with them. I also competed in the “Mrs. Arizona America” pageants two years in a row, thinking that if I won, I could use the Mrs. Arizona America title to share my story far and wide.

But God had a much BIGGER platform for me! ☺ and that’s when he began laying inspireHER on my heart.

It came in tiny bits and pieces at first. Almost like pieces to a giant puzzle. Little by little, the idea of inspireHER started to grow and bloom. I’ll admit at first, I wasn’t really sure what to do with it all, it was a bit intimidating and perhaps my own fears is what hindered me from giving God my complete YES, to what I knew He had clearly planted on my heart.

It was towards the end of last year, that I finally was ALL IN. And inspireHER was born.

inspireHER is a t-shirt line that I created to remind girls and women that their lives have purpose and value. I call it ‘Apparel with a Purpose!’

For me, inspireHER is about so much more than t-shirt sales. I created inspireHER as an outlet to share my story, and to extend hope and love to girls and women of all ages, backgrounds and beliefs. That’s the heartbeat of inspireHER.

The shirts in the inspireHER line include: You are a Masterpiece, Loved, Brave and This World Needs You. This year, I’ve had the privilege of speaking with many girls, teens and women through various nonprofits, organizations, schools and churches - sharing the message of inspireHER and reminding them that they are loved, and that their life has a purpose.

Philippians 4:13 I can do all things with Christ Who strengthens me