Christ Centered Girls Magazine August/September 1 | Page 43

and make our hearts go pitter-patter when they send us that special text message. All that’s great. And there’s nothing wrong with any of that.

But don’t rush. Don’t be in a hurry. Enjoy your relationship, but create clear and healthy boundaries. Your body, mind and heart are so very precious! Take one day at a time.

And since God truly is the only one who knows who your ‘one’ is, we need not lean on our own understanding or fleshly desires, but put everything in His hands. And ask him to lead us. He hears all our prayers. Every single one.

Ask God to give you the clear understanding to know the difference between simply falling in love and knowing for certain that this is the person He wants you to spend the rest of your life with.

3. CCG: Did you regret losing your virginity? Why or why not?

Erica: When I lost my virginity at the age of 16, I remember thinking that everything was going to be just wonderful, almost fairytale like. MY mind was made up that my boyfriend and I would spend the rest of our lives together. Notice how I said MY mind. ☺ I had always believed in God, but it didn’t go any further than that. I didn’t have a relationship with Him, or know Him, in the slightest sense. So naturally, I didn’t turn to Him for anything.

So at that time in my life, I honestly didn’t regret losing my virginity, because I didnt know it wasn't okay. I thought I had it all figured out and under control.

Oh, and I forgot to mention one thing.

I became pregnant after having sex for the first time. Yes…I said the FIRST time!


4. CCG: What is your favorite Bible verse?

Erica: Proverbs 31:25 – She is clothed with strength and dignity, and laughs without fear of the future.

5. CCG: Do you have any advice for fighting temptation in a relationship?

Erica: Temptation will come in many forms, throughout our whole lives. Sexual temptation is everywhere – on TV, magazines, billboards, movies, social media – the list goes on and on. It might seem like the ‘cool’ or ‘easy’ thing to do – to give in to those sexual temptations or desires in a relationship. Words such as “sexually transmitted diseases,” “AIDS” and “teenage pregnancy” are all too common today. Physically, and spiritually, it’s just not worth the risk.

Don’t put yourself in tempting situations, where things might get out of control. Keeping those safe and respectful boundaries in your relationship will always be worth it!

6. CCG: Do you have any advice for any teen moms out there?
